Friday, April 9, 2010

FOTD, OOTDx2, Nails, Hair- Overdue post

Hey Lovlies, 

I'm sorry for being MIA the past few weeks. Midterms and group projects took over my life. I will definitely post more frequently now that I'm starting to get back on track with things. So what's been up? The great weather, for one thing, has enabled me to finally lose the thick jackets! 

Lately, I really like putting my hair up in a bun. Hair out of the face on hot days is the way to go! I also hate it when my hair sticks to my lips because of lipgloss, >_<.

This is the nail polish that I've been wearing a lot lately:
(OPI: Miso happy with this color)

On the nails:

Just my regular neutral look with the Gaga lipstick on.


Dress from Macy's.

This is super comfortable and perfect for those lazy days where you just want to throw something on.

Here's a close up of the band, super sparkly(!), just what I like.

Flats to go with the outfit. (Purchased in HK.)

The final look with the same blazer on:

Next Post: 10 Facts tag- tagged by Susy!

xo, Diana


xbbkay said...

hi babe. i hope all the projects and exaams has gone well. you're so lucky to have everything done for now. Enjoy the nice weather while it LASTS!

im loving the listpcik on ya, you have such great complexion, i'm quite jealous. :(

and i LOVE blazers!

♥ c.angie ♥ said...

Hey gorgeous!! Looking goood =] Love the outfits and ur nail polish its such a pretty color...

u just had ur midterm???? what about final? i had my midterm the week u saw me lol...and now i gonna perpare for finals =[ good luck!!

lisasuar said...

diana, youre such a cutie!! i love the way you put your hair like that! super classy! hehehe the lady gaga lippie looks super cute on you! i have a problem while wearing lipstick, my lips sometimes are flaky what kinda lip balm/chapstick do you use?

- susy - said...

so feminine and classy! i love it and you're soooo lucky you don't have to wear much makeup (unlike me),

Karen Law said...

Hi Diana! Thank you so much for checking out my blog and for saying hi :)
Sure, I'd love to do an advice column! I heard I give good advice ;) I'm just not sure how to go about it - maybe I'll put a question box in the gadgets/side bar of my blog? But I always get back to questions in my comment section and you can always email me if you have questions/want advice from me :)
Oh and I'll try to take more outfit pictures for you too ;)
Oooo I LOVE the OPI Miso Happy nail polish. And the military jacket suits you - and a very pretty natural FOTD.

♥ c.angie ♥ said...

Lol yeaaaaaaa its super fun to meet people from blog and youtube lol....i should do it more probably might have another meet & greet around june you should joinnn lol

Susie said...

Military jackets are so in right now! It looks great on you! I don't think I could ever pull it off though -_____- hahah. I also really like your hair :)

Mary said...

wow so pretty... I like the dress, the look u did( sooo simple but nice) and the military blazer. You're pretty!!!

Unknown said...

you have such nice skin! and that nail polish colour is pretty ^^

Unknown said...

So pretty! Love the look and the dress!

Laura L said...

thank you for dropping by.... I prefer My Beauty Daries mask and recommend it. Other than that, Silk Whitia mask is just nice too....

D's Beauty Corner said...

Hi hun, I wanted to leave a response to your comment here since you'd get it! I think the gloss would look excellent on you! It's a color that works well with all skin tones, and I especially love it against olive/yellow skin :)

By the way, I love that military blazer on you!

dblchin (double chin) said...

I love that hair updo! gotta show us the steps!

Unknown said...

Hi deaR..
wE aRe iN saMe pRoFeSsioN..
i dO MaKeUp tOo..
NiCe tO ViSiT uR bLoG..
uR bLoG iS aWesoMe!
aND i foLLoW uR blOg tOo..

Unknown said...


you're really very pretty.

you look like yoona of girls' generation! ^^

love your blazer! it's so cool and cute at the same time!

MizzDestinee said...

love the name and color of the nail polish! loving the looks too! the blush palette is soo cheap and it's actually really good! I recommend =)

Phoebe Limanta said...

very cute outfit! :D

i think the ebay seller was called oooushop but im not sure if she's still around :( sorry hun!

Sheena Louie said...

Ooh! I'm lovin' the OPI Miso something colour you put on.. it's super cute!

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you about the dust on my compact question..haha but YES, you brought up a good point. Dust does tend to get stuck to my makeup, which can't be good for the skin. I find myself trying to dodge those areas but I should take action and buy makeup cleaner. My friend mentioned a brand in her blog and I saw it at the drugstore the other day... I think it's basically just wipes that you sweep over your compacts and it cleans them up! You can also use them on your makeup pencils, eyeshadows, etc.

♥ c.angie ♥ said...

Really?? You had to take art class? What are you major in??

well lashes may feel kinda weird at first but you'll get use to it altho i dun really wear it out AT ALL lol only for tutorials hahaha

Xandra said...

Hi dear, love your nails! The bag is from Fendi! I like how you've done your hair!

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting. you look beautiful.

Have a great day=)

Anonymous said...


Popcorn said...

I really like the GAGA lippie. It looks really really pink in the tube but on the lips it looks really pretty. :D